Taking a shower supplied
by a mobile water system is unpredictable because the temperature
of the water supply is inherently hot, and the pressure can
fluctuate rapidly. Taking a shower in a boat or ship can be uncomfortable
and downright dangerous.
The Thermostatic and Pressure Balanced FM Mattsson dual function marine
shower valve offers an effective solution to the problem.
- Built-in Thermostat: When the hot water supply fluctuates in
temperature, the FM Mattsson mixer automatically adjusts to
this change and produces a uniform outlet temperature.
- Pressure Balanced: It has the ability to adjust to extreme
and rapid variations in the pressure of both the hot and
the cold water supply yet show virtually no variation in
the temperature or pressure coming from the shower
- Automatic Shut-down: As an added safety feature, if either
the hot or the cold water supply is interrupted, the
shower shuts down automatically. The chance of being
scalded because of the sudden loss of cold water is
virtually eliminated. You are also protected against the
sudden loss of hot water to avoid a sudden
blast of cold water.